​Amie Tedesco
Amie Tedesco
sag/aftra eligible
folk soprano/mix

Lemon Sky Penny Dir. Jonathan Silverstein - Keen Company
Any Day Now (Reading) Jackie Dir. Moritz von Stuelpnagel - Primary Stages
Film & Television
Law & Order: SVU Lucy Curtis Universal Television, NBC
Particles of Truth Tortured Girl Dir. Jennifer Elster - 75 Films
In The Weeds Hostess/Producer Ultimo Productions
Anna's Room Anna Dir. Patrick Boyton - NYU Thesis
Detention: Bug Juice Abigail ESPA at Primary Stages
So Into It Various roles/appearances UCBeast
Once Upon a Sub-Prime Frank Dir. Mamrie Hart - UCB Theatre
Moon Orphans Lucy Dir. Alex Fischer - MITF
No Sex in the City Kate Riant Theatre
NY Theatre
ESPA at Primary Stages
Advanced Scene Study -
Michelle Bossy
Scene Study - Wendy C. Goldberg & Kelly AuCoin
Monologues - Giovanna Sardelli
T. Schreiber Studio
Scene Study - Terry Schreiber
NY Conservatory For Dramatic Arts
Acting/Scene Study - Julia Carey, Richard Southern, Richard Omar
Meisner - John Tyrell
Improv/comedy - Judy Searcy
Voice & Speech - Richard Omar
Regional Theatre
Newvember Festival Various Tangent Theatre; Dir. John Cariani
La Madia Cycle Little Girl New Jersey Rep.
Peter Pan Peter Stratford Theatre
Fiddler on the Roof Hodel West Haven Theatre Workshop
Special Skills
Voice: Folk soprano/ mix
Accents: American Southern, American Mid-West, New York/New Jersey, Irish, British, French
Other: Improv, basic trumpet
Sexy Heroes Music Video Samantha Dir. Chad L. Scheifele
The Porn Director Amy Dir. Jarret Berenstein
Shmaltz Beer "Too Soon?" Woman Dir. Andrew Cahill - Cahill Bros. Films
"Crazy Good" VMA Promo Girl on the Street Viacom/MTV Productions
Teenage Vampire Killers Gertrude Dir. Andy Rocco - Webseries Peppermint Girl Clown Dir. Alex Fischer - Music Video
30,000 to 1 Jenny Cahill Bros. Films -Webseries